Enriching experience through reciprocation.


Stanton Draw
In-system view of a K-Type Main Sequence Star from within one astronomical unit

Project Cartography
A cartography cutter cruising deep space

Special Events
Looking out the window of a heavy cutter in orbit


Tomasius Space
A compass set atop a bowl of roasted coffee beans.

August Nine
A pen set diagonally across a closed notebook.

PFDSU Useful Links


Seeing as Star Citizen is still very much in development, we'll start with some links to some basic information people need to review and understand before backing the development of the game.

Star Citizen Project Objectives

Firstly, this is a major project on a very large scale. It is not undertaken by a mainstream developer who will give the project a team and a budget then wish for a miracle. It is undertaken by a company devoted exclusively to the development of this singular undertaking. On review of the stretch goals and, allowing for the many unstated milestones which will also need to be covered for each of the Stretch Goals to be delivered, it is obvious that the project scope is about 15 years under optimal conditions. Those stretch goals can be reviewed at:

Star Citizen Reported Progress

Unlike what is observed with most mainstream developers, Star Citizen is being developed with a high, some migh argue "reckless", degree of transparency. This allows us to see what has been achieved, to date, at a glance as well as giving us a peek at the development schedule as it applies to the internal work breakdown. The "Roadmap", as it is called, can be reviewed over at:

Star Citizen Actual Progress: LIVE Release Patch Notes

With the achievement of major milestones, a LIVE release testbed, available to backers, is updated with the new features. This allows backers to see, first-hand, what has been developed to date and to assess the state of these developed features. Patch notes serve to inform backers of known issues as well as intended features. This also serves as a public point of reference for actual milestone implemennntation to date. A list of links to LIVE Release Patch Notes can be found at:

Star Citizen Actual Progress: Bug Fixing

The point of making a LIVE Release testbed available to backers is to facilitate the identification of bugs. This is not "beta testing" which, in nearly all cases has nothing to do with "testing" and is all about pre-selling a game. This is dedicated testing with proper bug reporting tools; namely the Issue Council. The Issue Council serves as a counterpoint to the LIVE Release Patch Notes which allows members of the public to verify the implementation of features specificed in the Patch Notes. After all, the faults reported with a given feature or milestone also serve to verify the broader implementation of that milestone (else there would be nothing to report). Additionally, any backer willing to put in the elbow-grease can review the performance of the LIVE Release testbed, in light of the bugs reported on the Issue Council, and count the number which are fixed over a given time period. In my case, I noticed that about 80% of the bugs I've reported have been fixed within two years. The Issue Council reports can be found at:

Star Citizen Merc's Review

If, having reviewed the public information in the above links, you thin Star Citizen is a game you'd like to back, Merc's review of Star Citizen can be found here:

violet main sequence star set inside golden-green laurels
Friday, ISO: 2025-February-07, 22:05 hours, UTC.